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Weekend Update

Book Writing, Inspirations, Musings, Weekend Update

The Story of a Story: Writing A Book Like Planning A Trip

September 23, 2018

Can I let you in on something?

I want to write a book and share my world with you.

My nature is to hold the cards close until I have the full hand ready to play. I’d rather shoot the moon with a hidden smile or rummy with a straight face. I’d love to post this and say, “I have an agent!” or “I have a book deal!” or “I have a release date!” But today, in absence of anything at all definitive, I thought I’d show you my mismatched suits and wagers. A real life look before another shuffle and deal.

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Musings, Weekend Update

Weekend Update: A House, a Feast, a Tour, and a Dig

August 24, 2014

How is it possibly already the last Sunday afternoon before Labor Day Weekend?

When we were traveling non-stop for a year, I remember a few occasions where I tabled the regular posts (read: backlogged adventures) and just served up a few notes about the present. I’m back in those shoes today: still having fun sorting posts from our British Columbia trip, but positively brimming with updates about what’s going on this month and next!

From this morning’s visit to Joseph Wood Hill Park on the top of Rocky Butte, looking out over our potential new neighborhood*… Continue Reading…

Musings, New Zealand, Weekend Update

Weekend Update: Untethered in New Zealand

November 18, 2012

Time for another semi-random Weekend Update!

Since 2004, I’ve been scheming about one particular thing.

The plan? “Some way, some how, get back to New Zealand.”

On October 31st, 2012, we touched down at Auckland International Airport, and for the past nearly-three weeks we’ve been in a wonderland of sorts, starting in the city, then disappeared into the rolling green hills….

Waitakere Ranges Regional Park Continue Reading…

Destinations, Lebanon, Musings, Weekend Update

Weekend Update: Beirut, Lebanon

June 10, 2012

Hello from sunny Beirut, Lebanon!

It’s been a quiet week on the blog and anything-but in real life.

Due both to lack of consistent wifi and an intentional choice to put priority on in-the-moment living, I skipped posting entries this past week (aside from Monday’s Portland/Bologna piece).

If you follow our updates in the Daily Travel Journal or read our flying tweets, you probably have a pretty accurate up to the moment sense of our location. Since the end of May, we ferried east from Italy, spent time in a quiet corner of Croatia, over-landed through a slice of Bosnia on our way to Montenegro, peeked at Kosovo out the window on our night ride to Macedonia, and hopped by plane from northeastern Greece to Cyprus en route to our June destination, Lebanon. Continue Reading…