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Portland Refugee Kits Project

Food, Musings, Social Work

Bake Sale for Refugees

December 15, 2015

Have you felt, like me, overwhelmed and powerless to meet the dark struggles of the refuge crisis with tangible relief? It’s far too easy to be fired up on social media and then too frozen in real life to do a darned actual thing to help.

I’m one small person living in a cozy house with my little family in North America. How can I use what I have here to make a difference way out there in the wild, weary world?

Would you smirk if I told you I’m joining the effort to combat this current refugee crisis…with baked goods?

Laugh away, if you must; this is something I can do.

And if you live here in Oregon, you can, too.

Bake Sale for Refugees 12/19, 6-9pm @ Pip's Original

Will you be within an hour’s drive of Portland this coming Saturday night? Come to Pip’s Original to shop the Bake Sale for Refugees. Score all sorts of delicious baked goods and raffle prizes from local bakers, bloggers, and restaurants (pssst: buy my κουραμπιέδες*!), and know that 100% of the proceeds from your valuable dollars spent will go to the Migrant Offshore Aid Station. Continue Reading…