Destinations, Emilia Romagna Tourism Board, Featured Partners, Italy

An Afternoon in Cesenatico with Frecce Tricolori

May 28, 2012

We took a train from Bologna east to the Adriatic Sea for an afternoon visit to the coastal town of Cesenatico, Italy and a bite of seafood, and unexpectedly ended up with front row seats to Frecce Tricolori’s aerial performance. Though we’re partial to the Blue Angels, these jets held their own.

Cesenatico, founded in 1302, is now a cheery little town of 20,000, most famously home to a port canal surveyed and drawn by Leonardo da Vinci.

It welcomes Italian and German holiday makers more often than English-speaking tourists, and its quaint little streets feel a bit a time trip.

Conserves, giant pits lined with brick, stand as relics of the ancient fish trade: pre-refrigeration storage facilities for layering ice and fresh-caught sea creatures.

Weekend markets buzz with berries and color and sunshine.

We walked to the pier to catch a glimpse of beaches and boats…

…and in swooped the Frecce Tricolori!

I’ll admit. We nerded out.

I grew up going to airshows with my dad. My favorite PJs as a four year old? An oversized Blue Angels t-shirt. My uncle was a fighter pilot in the navy. My grandpa once gave me the controls in his little two-seater as we flew high above the brush out in distant Eastern Oregon. My brothers and I watched The Rocketeer a million times: “It’s all part of the show…” (Obscure reference, I know.)

The surprise performance lasted thirty or forty minutes. We watched on as the Italian military aerobatics team performed stunt after stunt of coordinated precision and daredevil maneuvers.

Ted snapped at least 45 shots on his iPhone; I was as trigger happy with the big camera….

They’re just too cool!

After the last buzz by the beachfront, we turned to walk toward town and a bite to eat.

Along main street, we paid a visit to a newly opened design shop, Brandina, sporting handbags, swim caps, and accessories made in the style of brightly colored beach furniture of the Italian Riviera.

Cheers to Blogville companions: Jess, Nicola, and Nick!

Turns out that Brandina designer, Marco Morosini, has background in photography and design: he’s lectured at the University of Urbino on Theory and Techniques of Image Processing, published two photography collections, designed tourism posters for Italy’s coastal hot-spot Rimini, and has been architectural planner and designer for the Ferrari and Maserati auto show exhibits since 2005.

It’s always fascinating to me to learn about the characters we meet in far corners of the world.

Thoroughly (and literally) jazzed and champagned from the boutique opening, we set off down the street in search of one more deep fried shrimp meal as followup to Ted’s #shrimpface ordeal in Comacchio.

A few fish, shrimp, and a fine beer later, another successful Italian adventure complete.

P.S. We’ve dubbed Cesenatico the Cannon Beach of the Adriatic. Now, if only we can coordinate a Blue Angels fly over next time we’re at the Oregon Coast…

For more fun reads:
A Fish, A Fish, Delish {via Punk Domestics}
One food-loving visitor’s fishy experience in Cesenatico, Italy.

This post is part of a series from Emilia-Romagna: A region of Northern Italy ripe for exploration. Artisan Local Foods (tortellini, lasagne, pancetta, traditional balsamic vinegar, and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese to name a few!), Historical Cities (Modena, Ferrara, Bologna, Rimini, and more), and Beautiful Natural Areas (the Po River Delta, the Apennine Mountains, and the green, green farmland in between)…

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  • Reply Cindy Buck May 28, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    It must’ve been so Exciting to happen upon an airshow!!!!! I continue to love your postings and pictures . . . <3 to you Both!!!!! xoxo

    • Reply twoOregonians May 29, 2012 at 12:44 pm

      Sometimes the best parts of a day are the complete surprises. The things you don’t plan for and couldn’t organize even if you tried… : )

  • Reply Joel May 28, 2012 at 7:00 pm

    To make another obscure reference—this one’s for Jesse—I want it all, I want it all for myself. Love the pictures, especially the last two of the jets above the water. Also, that beer looks pretty terrific. Also also, I don’t use the phrase “holiday makers” often enough. And now I want shrimp.

    • Reply twoOregonians May 29, 2012 at 12:45 pm

      Also also also, I love it when you read the blog. And I think Beverley Nichols would approve of “holiday makers,” don’t you? I’m glad you liked the two of the jets above the water. I was kind of partial to that little diptych myself ; ) (P.S. diptych was a cool word before iPhone apps existed.)

  • Reply Heather Espana May 28, 2012 at 7:47 pm

    Bethany my dear, your photography is getting better and better! Beautiful.

    • Reply twoOregonians May 29, 2012 at 12:48 pm

      Aw, thank you friend! That’s a high compliment coming from you : ) I love being able to post and share them as we go. So many beautiful things in the world to capture for art and memories…

  • Reply Andi of My Beautiful Adventures May 28, 2012 at 11:48 pm

    I would had “nerded out” too!!!! This planes made for some awesome pics! What a GORGEOUS city!!!!!

    • Reply twoOregonians May 29, 2012 at 12:49 pm

      It was so beautiful. And so calm, too, even for what we were told was a busy day. I’d go back in a heartbeat….

  • Reply Hotel bibione October 13, 2014 at 4:39 am

    I am glad you enjoyed this vacation in gorgeous Cesenatico.

  • Reply Ring, Ring: The Italian TV Producers are Calling - twoOregonians October 26, 2015 at 10:00 am

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