BabyOregonian, Musings, The Little Peach

Birthday Party

September 17, 2014

Vanilla Cake with Peach Preserves + Peach Sodas: Our celebration of Lucie’s 1st birthday.

On a very hot Sunday afternoon this past weekend, we retreated to the shade of the old Oak Grove at Champoeg State Park and hosted friends and family for a soda sipping, cake smashing, whew-we-made-it-a-year toasting party:

That night, after the dust from the sugar-fest settled and I collapsed into bed, I shared this note on Facebook: “Just three days away from finishing up the longest/shortest year of our lives. Grateful to our sweet family and friends for celebrating Lucie with us. Thanks for being our cheerleaders and support as we navigate this new world of parenthood. And thanks for tolerating all the pictures along the way…”

Today, Lucie’s actual birthday, I’m too absorbed in wrangling a little crawling machine and cleaning up blueberry pancakes and preparing to head to the park to really write anything new and profound. But thank you, thank you, to the people in our lives who celebrated with us in person and to those of you who sent little notes and well-wishes from around the world.

xx Bethany

So Owl wrote . . . and this is what he wrote:


Pooh looked on admiringly.

“I’m just saying ‘A Happy Birthday’,” said Owl carelessly.

“It’s a nice long one,” said Pooh, very much impressed by it.

“Well, actually, of course, I’m saying ‘A Very Happy Birthday with love from Pooh.’ Naturally it takes a good deal of pencil to say a long thing like that.”

“Oh, I see,” said Pooh.

-Winnie the Pooh, Chapter IV, In Eeyore Has a Birthday and Gets Two Presents

Peach Cake: By my sweet friend, Heather, a mom/baker/social-working-extraordinaire who aims “to find a way to change the world with baked goods” and blogs at Celebrations of Hope.

Peach Sodas: Inspired by The Soda Fountain, a new book by Gia Giasullo detailing the history of America’s fizzy treat and outlining recipes and techniques for floats, sundaes, egg creams (not as gross as they sound!), and more…

Peachy-Cute Polka-Dot Straws: Jazzy Apple Gal on Etsy

Perfect Park for a Picnic Party: Champoeg State Park.

My peach syrup recipe:

a) Get your hands on fresh, local peaches (thank you to my mother in law for the $0.90/lb hookup with the juiciest fruits I’ve had in ages!)
b) Make a peach pie, can peaches, freeze peaches, etc., etc., and then – here’s the key part – keep all the scraps: pits, skins, little fleshy chunks (and a few sweet slices for kicks).
c) Add scraps to stock pot, cover with water, bring to a boil, then reduce heat.
d) Strain liquid through cheesecloth, discard scraps, and pour back into stock pot.
e) Add an equal amount of sugar (nobody said this was healthy), simmer/stir until sugar is fully dissolved and liquid thickens.
f) Add just a hint of pure almond extract.
g) Cool. Store in refrigerator in airtight container.

My peach soda recipe:

a) Add ice to glass
b) Pour syrup to taste (experiment to find your perfect amount)
c) Add a slice of frozen peaches
d) Fill glass with club soda
e) Stir and go!

{In Case You Missed It: Our one-year-as-a-family-of-three photos in the Peach Orchard!}

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  • Reply Jane Luthy September 17, 2014 at 2:34 pm

    That little girl is quite something!!!! So glad she knows the right way to eat a cake.

    Love to your special family, Bethany, Ted and Lucie and probably soon to be a
    canine added on I’m thinking.

    xxoo Jane

    • Reply Bethany ~ twoOregonians September 18, 2014 at 8:14 am

      Hmm…you think, Jane? ;) I know someone is getting very excited about the idea, that’s for sure. (I’ve told him I might be finally warming up to the idea — now that Lucie throws her food off the high chair! Wouldn’t it be nice to have a friendly vacuum cleaner in the family??)

  • Reply (@mariafalvey) September 17, 2014 at 10:53 pm

    Happy Birthday… and I really want that cake. :-D

    • Reply Bethany ~ twoOregonians September 26, 2014 at 3:24 pm

      Wish I could send you a piece!

      Would you believe, I actually saved a little bit of her mangled smash cake and ate it later that week…? You can’t let that much deliciousness go to waste. It wouldn’t be right. ;)

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