


November 25, 2018

I owe my trip to Europe to a stranger on the internet.

Last December, I found myself running late to a blind date at the neighborhood coffee shop.

Well, no, running late puts it too mildly. I almost blew right past my chance at a life altering friendship by forgetting plans altogether. I wasn’t thinking straight. We were in the midst of a chaotic season of illness. My youngest was home sick while Ted teleworked, and I left to drop my oldest at school, not bothering to look at the calendar. I returned from the errand, hopped in the shower, and only when I glanced at my phone—still charging on the nightstand—did I realized with panic that I had stood up a stranger:

“Bethany, flying out of the house right now. Be there in a few! Alisa”

And then, timestamped several minutes later:

“Did I miss you? I am here”

All I could do was panic and send off a frantic string of texts:

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Book Writing, Inspirations, Musings, Weekend Update

The Story of a Story: Writing A Book Like Planning A Trip

September 23, 2018

Can I let you in on something?

I want to write a book and share my world with you.

My nature is to hold the cards close until I have the full hand ready to play. I’d rather shoot the moon with a hidden smile or rummy with a straight face. I’d love to post this and say, “I have an agent!” or “I have a book deal!” or “I have a release date!” But today, in absence of anything at all definitive, I thought I’d show you my mismatched suits and wagers. A real life look before another shuffle and deal.

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Tidbits About Us

Tree Hunt Traditions in the National Forest

November 26, 2017

Remember four years ago when we thought we’d try a new family tradition? Lucie was a tiny little two-month old, and we went hunting for a wild Christmas tree in Mount Hood National Forest.

I don’t want to be too confident, but I’d say we found the recipe for our new version of holiday cheer. Though, spoken as an ever-learning parent, I’d also say check in next year to see how it actually pans out…with a toddler.
– Bethany, 2013

We made it twice with the ritual [2013 and 2014], then bagged it the next two years in favor of easier pickings at my family’s Christmas tree farm (when I was pregnant with Marion [2015] and then juggling two under three [2016]).

This year with the girls a little older (and with a borrowed pickup from my parents!), we decided to trek to the mountain again. Continue Reading…

Inspirations, Musings, Tidbits About Us

Come Say Hello! Drink Wine, Support Women’s Education

July 14, 2017

Hello, Oregon friends! (And Southwest Washington friends…and really, any friend game to hop a plane and spend a half hour+ driving south from Portland to come and join the fun.)

Next Tuesday night, I’ll be speaking (!! — come listen and help me not be so nervous) along with D.L. Mayfield. We’re helping build a scholarship fund for local high school girls pursuing higher education. Come participate in a worthy fundraiser, sip Pacific Northwest wines, and hang out with other big-hearted people. Let’s make the world better together. ♡

Words & Wine Facebook Invite

I’ve been combing through stories and reflections in preparation for sharing a bit about my travels and the impacts they’ve had on me…and I found myself down a rabbit hole of old photos. Continue Reading…

Musings, New Zealand, Photography

Father’s Day is for Memories: Fly Fishing in New Zealand

June 17, 2017

I’m excited today to share this new little project I’ve been working on: download my Fly Fishing in New Zealand Photologue here or at the bottom of the post.

Five years ago, Father’s Day was around the corner, and I was half way around the world from my dad. He was home in Oregon, I was…let’s see..if I consult the Daily Travel Journal from our year away, I was deep in the Cedars of Lebanon, which, if I think about it now, is fitting for the daughter of a tree farmer off to see the world. Continue Reading…

Food, Musings, Oregon, Portland

Hello (Also, Heatwave Doughnuts)

May 29, 2017

Now…where were we?

Ice storms and pies.

Ah, well, this week in Oregon it was all heatwaves and doughnuts, wildflower hikes and roasted marshmallows. (Until it was sorrow and heartache…but I’ll save that for another time.)

The seasonal whiplash here on the blog is one thing. I mean, yes, I make no apology for the long silent spells, and I refuse to stress myself out over arbitrary posting schedules and inflated expectations. This corner of the world is my spot to share what I love, as I have the time. I know that I’m jumping from January to almost-June.

So, consider the blog jump my little way of illustrating how the past few days felt: transitioning from 40 degree lows to 92 degree highs in a couple short sleeps. Continue Reading…


About That Storm

January 25, 2017

Portland / OR / United States - 1/17/17

I started this post a week ago, then paused.

After several months riding waves of illness and holiday mayhem and community heartache and winter weather (cough*cough*ice storms that delayed my flight to Kansas*cough), we sent 2016 out with a half-hearted bang…and then January 2017 blew into town with teeth searing cold, dumping a feathery white straitjacket on the city of Portland.

As I’m publishing tonight, storm scenes seem melted from memory (making me glad for photos and snippets like the ones below — if only for the reminder that tempests pass). I’m still unwinding, though. Cabin fever and its jarring focus on the here and now brought lessons I’m still stewing on, and I’ve not made peace with words to dig at the heart of the matter. So, it’s mostly photos. Enjoy? (Or at least help me spot all the beautiful silver linings?)

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