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Over the City and Through the Fir Trees

May 10, 2015

Full circle.

Back to the upper gardens of The Grotto…

My first visit: fall 2011, before flying away into a wild unknown. Most recently: late afternoon, in a tiny hollow of the week. Ted, relieved to take a break from finals. Me, momentarily disconnected from project deadlines and life juggling. Lucie, happy to walk and scamper on her own.

Sunbeams streaming low, over the city and through the fir trees. A stolen few hours awash in quiet calm…

We drive by this spot almost daily. It’s just short jaunt down the road from our home, and I’m always reminding myself that it’d be a fun (and easy access!) spot to take Lucie. Honestly, I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to make good on the idea…but now that we’ve made the family outing once, I’m sure we’ll frequent often.

The lower grounds are free and open to all, but access the upper gardens, you must purchase a token at the visitor complex and take the elevator 110 feet up above the main plaza.

Just a visit to the meditation chapel overlooking the Columbia River and the Portland Airport is worth the elevator ride to the top (I could alternate between prayer and daydreams all day long…watching planes come in to land and shadows shift across the cityscape), but the labyrinth tucked away in the trees and the garden paths and blooming flowers and woodland waterfalls are enough to lure anyone away from the bustle of the city to a place of quiet rest…

Have you been?

xx Bethany

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1 Comment

  • Reply Julie May 11, 2015 at 1:56 am

    What a beautiful respite from the world. I feel like in every place I’ve lived, there is a place like this – hidden in plain sight.

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